Sunday 30 September 2012

Climbing Rose

I have been looking forward to pruning my climbing rose for the first time, however I have read online at gardenseeker i shouldn’t yet. The issue I have is that the plant was only planted last year and on advice from the site it suggests that a climbing rose should be left for two or three years. This is to establish a good horizontal frame work as you will get more flowering shoots from horizontal branches.

In the first three years you should train the branches in to a good horizontal framework cutting surplus branches off.

I have not been training the branches this year, as i was unaware this would provide good flowering stems. So, my plan of action is to cut back most of this year’s growth and train next year’s growth in to the required framework.

I want to end up with something looking like this.

I found this on a site with a good explanation of how to prune your climbing rose. I believe it was a blog site so I think I will follow and get some tips, remember I do not profess to knowing much about gardening.
Anyway, my weekends plan was some what scuppered by not being able to prune and blog. So i will have to just settle for a bowl of the Wife's lovely leek and potato soup. Sadly the ingredigents are not from the garden.

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